

and I will be his God and he shall be My son

To Him Who Overcomes...

Truly there is so much more than we have known, as a whole, concerning the Kingdom of God. The promises of Revelations Chapters 2 & 3 are what prompted me to create this site. All the promises are to "those who overcome", to those who "walk worthy" and remain "faithful" in this life.  

Saints, this is beyond our initial salvation. God is calling us past, what, in His Words, are the "elementary principles" of our discipleship - "repentance from dead works and of faith toward God, of instruction about washings and laying on of hands, and the resurrection of the dead and eternal judgment." (Heb 6:1-2)

This is about Tabernacles. The final feast. Where the overcoming saints are One with Christ in the bosom of the Father. Here God is at rest. 

The things we will address on this site may sound different from what you hear from many pulpits on Sunday mornings. But as we look into the whole of Scripture, I pray the Holy Spirit of God will reveal to us His whole counsel, His great purpose in Christ for all creation.

I am not a man-ordained minister, and have never been to Bible School. My Teacher has been the Lord revealing His Truth to me by His Spirit. I've been greatly blessed and influenced by several, mostly older pastors and theologians, but it is the written Word of God to which I return to discover the True promises of God. And again, it is His Spirit that gives me the understanding into what I read and meditate upon. Any wisdom I have has only come because the Lord has granted it to me. 

May anything you read or hear here be taken to the Lord in prayer and confirmed by His Word. Let us always be as those in Berea, "examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things are so."

Blessings and Peace to all,



Ancient Paths (Contemplations from Jeremiah 6)

There is a Path that "brings rest to our souls" if we would but strive to walk in it, as did the Prophets and Apostles, and saints throughout the ages. 

The Elect of God

Touching on some perhaps controversial things here. My prayer is that the Spirit will bring Life to those with "ears to hear" if anything said indeed is the Word of God.

Enduring (Hebrews 12 Study)

Addressing some of what our Lord Jesus had to endure "for the joy set before Him", including "grievous opposition and bitter hostility from sinners" among His own people.

The Goal of the First Resurrection

Looking a little at Hebrews 6 & Philippians 3, as they apply to the Resurrection that leads to Union with Christ Jesus, being fully born again.

Philippians 3 (Our Goal)

What is the goal of our walk with Christ?
Looking at the Apostle Paul's aim, and prayer for the saints, as it truly reveals God's goal for His Elect.


Hebrews 12:2 Son of Man

Continuing in our Hebrews chapter 12 Study.

Here looking at the One went is our Forerunner and Firstborn of many brethren. 

The Purpose of Messiah?

Why did Jesus come, and for what purpose is He coming again? Looking a bit into the Scripture at what the Jews were/are expecting the promised Messiah to accomplish.

Why are we here?

If we have believed on Jesus and become a member of a local congregation, what is our main purpose now that we've been "saved"? Is there anything more God requires of us?

Forgiveness and Judgment

Looking a little into how God's forgiveness and His judgment work together in His plan of redemption and the building of His body.
(Please excuse editing glitches)

Eyes to see

"Blessed are your eyes for they see, and your ears for they hear;" 

May we be among those who can see and hear the Truth of the Kingdom

Zion, the church, the Body of Christ

A segment from the Heir of God video, focusing on the importance of Mount Zion in the Scripture, and what it represents.

Heir of God (Heb 1:1-2)

Looking at what is promised to the "Heir of God", firstly to Jesus, the "Firstborn", but also to those who are His "co-heirs." 


Gospel Preached to Abraham (Heb 12 Study)

The New Testament tells us that the "Gospel" was preached to Abraham, as well as to Israel in the wilderness. May this shed a little light on what, I fully believe, is a central component of the "Gospel of the Kingdom" that Jesus, the Apostles and Prophets preached.

Hebrews 12 Study (God's House)

God is building His house, His Eternal dwelling place. At the same time man is attempting to build a house for God. 

Which one are we a part of? 

Rambling on Predestination

Predestination is a solid Biblical doctrine, yet confusion comes as to its understanding. Looked a little into it last Summer as I was traveling. May the passages I address shed some light on this topic. 

Running the race (Hebrews 12 Study)

If we've accepted a call to follow Jesus, do we know that there is a race set before us? A race we must run faithfully, with endurance, if we are to obtain the prize?

Hebrews 12 Study (Cloud of Witnesses)

Is our hearts desire to join the “cloud of witnesses” in the unseen realm around us, and along with them, look forward to that Day when the Lord appears and crowns His faithful servants with Life, righteousness and joy?


Music by a friend that I often listen to when studying God's Word. 
May it be a blessing to you. 

Did Jesus Exist from the Beginning?

Addressing a question I've been asked periodically, especially in the Christmas season. Did the Man Jesus exist from the beginning?


Kingdom Thoughts on Doctrine

Looking at the importance of Doctrine here, from the teachings of Jesus and the writings of the Apostles. 


Matthew 19:16-30 (Life or Eternal Life)

Delving a bit into Jesus' interaction with the rich young ruler, and the difference between entering into Life and attaining to Eternal Life.

I believe Jesus' words here shed some Light the modern understanding of salvation. 

The Lord's Despised Few (Robert Thompson)

It truly is a narrow Way and few find it. 

Those who strive to walk that Way will be hated by both the world and organized Religion.

Psalm 46 (There is a River)

Continuing our look at this Psalm of the sons of Korah, picking up in verse 4

I believe we will again see how it ties into Zion and the coming establishment of the Kingdom of God on the earth.

Psalm 46 Study (vs 1-3)

In our study of Mount Zion, the Eternal resting place of God, the Psalms of the sons of Korah keep coming up.

Here beginning a look at Psalm 46 and God as our refuge and strength. 

Looking at Mount Zion

"Beautiful in elevation, The joy of the whole earth,
Is Mount Zion on the sides of the north, The city of the great King."

- Psalm 48:2

All Who Call on the name of the lord shall be saved

Looking a little at this verse in its original context - 

Times of Preparation (Robert B Thompson)

Let us be prepared and be preparing the Way of the Lord. 

Closer to You (Chuck Adkins)

Music from a friend for times of Meditation, Communion with the Lord, and Study of God's Word.

The New Covenant

Jesus ratified the promised New Covenant by His own blood.
Looking at a few of the Prophecies of that Covenant in the OT -

Servant of the Lord

Digging a little into the prophecies concerning the Servant of the Lord, beginning in Isaiah 49. 
Oh that we realize the Servant, Messiah, is first Jesus, but also His brethren, the Elect of God. 

Contemplations from Jeremiah (Chap 10)

"There is none like You, O Lord;
You are great, and Your Name is great in might."
- Jer 10:6

Continuing in our journey through the writings of the prophet Jeremiah.

Stanley Frodsham 1965 Prophecy

A Prophecy by Stanley Howard Frodsham given in 1965 that we who are in the churches would do well to heed today.


Contemplations from Jeremiah (Chap 9)

Delving a little into the Book of Jeremiah again; looking at the wisdom of man and the Wisdom that come from God.


"Inherited sin?" (Ezekiel 18)


Challenging perhaps one of the most established pillars of the "Christian" churches here. Asking questions such as, "Did Jesus come to save us from eternal punishment that some say was due each one of us because of ‘hereditary sin?’"

Kingdom Thoughts: Requirements

What does God require of us, if we would attain unto His promises?
Sharing a couple thoughts here concerning the difference between being "saved" and the calling to "come after" Jesus.

Holiness and Obedience (Robert B. Thompson)

If God has drawn us unto Jesus, for what purpose has He drawn us? And what is required of us to attain to that calling?

So Great a Salvation

Spending a little time here investigating the exhortation from Hebrews 2:3, and the promises of God to those who strive to walk that narrow Way.


God's Sons are His Treasure (Robert B. Thompson)

There is a calling to Sonship that is apart from being saved. Do we sense the Father's call on our life to Union with His Firstborn Son Jesus and all that that means?

Kingdom Thoughts for Today (Eph 5)

Let us walk in Truth and Light, that we not be deceived. There is much presented today from pulpits that differs greatly from the teaching of Jesus and the Apostles. Let us set aside traditions and lay hold of the Word of Truth. 

Contemplations from Jeremiah (part 2)

Spending time here in Jeremiah 6 and 23, looking at the warnings and promises of God to His people. His Word to His people then, is His Word to us - if we are of His Seed - today as well. 

The Eternal Perspective part 2 (Art Katz)

Too vital a message not to share. Can we in the churches today accept this word? 
Art Katz concludes here from his previous teaching. 

The Eternal Perspective Part 1 (Art Katz)

Can we see beyond our current circumstances and present state of being, and "for the joy set before" us endure the methods through which God is refining His Elect?
Sharing part 1 of brother Katz's offering here to encourage the saints. 

Jesus came to fulfill Law & Prophets

Did Jesus come to destroy or nullify the Law & Prophets? Or did He come to fulfill everything prophesied concerning the Messiah and the Kingdom?

Let no man take your crown (Robert B Thompson)

Jesus warning to the saints was to not allow anyone to take your crown, implying that we must have patience and endurance to the end if we would attain to the promises of God in Rev 2 & 3. Is this our goal? 

Kingdom Thoughts for Today (Rom 5 & 6)

Addressing the question of the "free gift" we hear much about in modern Christendom, and the True Cost of Discipleship that Jesus and the Apostles taught. 

We Must Be Circumcised

Title got you curious?
Join me as we look into the Word and discover the circumcision that is required of those who will enter in the "everlasting covenant" with the Lord God.

Conditions on the Promises of God

Is there an "unconditional love" of God that sees past our behavior, or must we walk in the Way to attain to the promises of God in Revelation 2 & 3?

Contemplations from Jeremiah

Beginning a study through the Book of Jeremiah. Looking at some highlights from the first few chapters that I believe apply to the churches in this day in which we are living. 

Kingdom Thoughts for Today (10.7.22)

Sharing a little on what I was contemplating on the Kingdom of God.
May follow up, as we look into some deep Truth here. 

On Self-Control

A brief word on this much needed fruit of the Spirit in our daily walk with the Lord. 


A Word on Suffering

Do we know that suffering is a part of our walk in the Way? Not necessarily physical pain, but the suffering of the denial of self as we allow ourselves to be transformed. 

In His Image

Looking at the image of the One we've been called to be conformed to. 

May we meditate upon the referenced verses. 

At His Resurrection (What Jesus Became)

We cover a lot in this look at the Risen Christ Jesus, what He fulfilled at His Resurrection, and what is yet to come for the rest of the Body.

No Excuses (Vicky Adkins)

A word we would do well to heed, saints. The Father is looking for those who, as Jesus, delight to do His will, and His Law is within their hearts. 

Called, Chosen & Faithful (part 5)

Continuing our study of what the Elect have been called to, and the conditions on being among the chosen.

Sons in His image (Robert Thompson)

Another powerful word concerning God's purpose in having a Body of Christ, those who will be united to Jesus and become the eternal dwelling place of the Father. 

Way, Truth & Life (Larry Wagner)

A brief introduction into the Words Jesus used to describe Himself in John 14:6, as "the Way, the Truth and the Life."

Redeeming the Time

How are we to be redeeming the time as we eagerly await the return of our Lord and the fulfillment of God's promises to those who are the Called, Chosen and Faithful?

Eagerly Waiting

May we be eagerly waiting for our Lord, as those who have been Called and Chosen, and are strivng to remain Faithfully walking in the Way.

Called for God's Purpose

Part 2 of Called, Chosen & Faithful study. 

Do we know to what we've been called?

Saved or Called?

Do we sense that God has called us to something more than just being "saved?"
Looking at reconciling seemingly conflicting passages in God's Word and the invitation to "follow" Jesus. 

Christ In you (Larry Wagner)

If we are saved for a greater purpose does God reveal that to us?
The Apostle Paul talked about many things but seemed to point continually at Christ being formed in us.

The Goal

What is the Goal of our Christian walk? Is it heaven, the Kingdom on earth, or something infinitely greater?
Looking at what I believe the Scripture presents as the goal of God for His Elect. 

On Salvation

Addressing a subject that is much debated in modern Christendom. A brief study into what I believe the Scripture teaches concerning the progression of "salvation." 

Releasing Creation: Paradise Restored (Robert Thompson)

Do we know that God will restore Paradise on the Earth one Day? 

Patient Endurance (Don't Get off the Bus 2)

An offering to encourage my brothers & sisters to "continue steadfast" in the Lord and trusting Him along the Way He is leading us, into the fullness of His promises.

Don't Get Off the Bus (Patient Endurance)

May we be "patiently enduring" on our journey through this life. For in all our experiences and trials the Lord is seeking to refine us and see us through to victory.
Our job is simply to "stay on the bus."

Forming the Body (Robert Thompson)

Creation is waiting for the coming of the Messiah - But the Messiah won't come until His Body is ready.

Understanding that "Christ" is more than Jesus, but His Body as well, truly helps reconcile much Scripture.

The Servant of the lord (Larry Wagner)

Isaiah 42 Tells us the role of Jesus and His body according to the Father's plan. Can we see that it is so simple and yet ignored by most who have chosen something else. Are you really listening and serving the Holy One of Israel?

God's Call and a Man's Mantle (Fred Tomlinson)

Important message concerning the call of God on our life and what our response should be. 


Salvation (An introductory snippet)

We in the modern churches have much to say concerning being "saved." 
But what does the Bible say? How did Jesus & Apostles present "salvation"?
Taking an introductory look here - 

Where are my sons? (Vicky Adkins)

A Word from the Lord addressed to the men in the churches whom God has called and given the opportunity to truly become His Son, a real man after God's own heart. 

The Last Trumpet

Looking a little at the Last Trumpet, which I believe is the Seventh and Great Trumpet as well. In the passages we study, we see how they all point to the same event, the "appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ." 

Reward for Patient Endurance

Touching on on the Inheritance and the Rewards for those who endure patiently and allow God to transform them through the trials, tests and frustrations of this life.


Preterism's Influence on the churches

An introductory look at this viewpoint of some in Christianity that I believe has had an influence on most of the denominations, whether they know it or not.

God's Will and Tabernacles (Larry Wagner)

Larry digs into the Word a bit from Isaiah 40 looking at the importance of the born-again experience. 


On Suffering (part 2)

"Rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ’s sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy."
- 1Pet 4:13

Not a congregation favorite, by any means. But essential, I believe, for God's Elect to understand, especially in these days in which we are living.

On Suffering (and Inheritance)

Touching a little on Suffering and how it plays into our transformation into the image of Christ Jesus, if we allow it to.


Escape all these things

Taking a look at this passage in Luke 21, where Jesus is warning His followers of an age of temptation and trill that is to come.
This is a perspective that is perhaps a bit different than many have heard.


Compromise (part 2)

Continuing our look at Compromise, and it's influence over the Christian Religion. Something I pray we are aware of, lest we fall prey.



Taking a look at what I believe is one of the greatest challenges to the churches today. Compromise.


The Nations

"Through your seed all the nations
of the earth shall be blessed,
because you have heard and obeyed My voice.”

- Gen

Taking a look at a promise of God that seems to have been largely forgotten, or greatly misunderstood, in the modern churches.

According to our works

Do we realize that it is by our behavior, our conduct, that we will be judged and recompensed in that Day?



Looking here at an element of the Gospel of the Kingdom, and one of it's greatest promises, that seem to be seldom mentioned from pulpits today. 

Isaiah 26 exhortation

A preliminary look at the Scripture into what I believe is a prophetic Word for us today
May we abide in the peace Jesus came to give His disciples. 


Rambling on Psalm 73

Been spending some time in Psalm 73 lately, to lay hold of God's promises to us, especially as many are struggling today with the injustice and unrest in the world today. May His Word encourage your heart. May He truly be our Portion forever. 

Perseverance (Robert Thompson)

Few virtues are as powerful and necessary as the quality of perseverance. Life is difficult for everyone, married or not, Christian or not.
Pastor Thompson shares another message to strengthen the saints. 

let it go (vicky adkins)

Another good & timely word, as the Spirit of God is exhorting us to "let go" of all that can hinder us in our walk with the Lord Jesus, and hearing His voice. 

God's Protection and Deliverance (Robert Thompson)

Preached 30 years ago, but this message is just as important, if not more so, for us to understand today, in the midst of all that is going on. 

Freedom (David Wagner)

Brother David looks a little here on what FREEDOM means; in modern popular church thinking, as well as how the Bible presents the understanding of what it means to be free. 


Rambling on Our Resurrection

Got a little into Resurrection here, looking at the hope of the Scripture concerning our physical bodies, remembering specifically that there are those who will indeed "come after" Jesus and be manifest "in His image", "like Him" when He returns.

Messianic Prophecy Unfulfilled (part 2)

Continuing on in Isaiah, studying Prophecy concerning Messiah yet to be fulfilled.


Messianic Prophecy Unfulfilled

There is much yet to be fulfilled as we look forward to the establishment of the Eternal Kingdom of God.
Looking here at a few prophecies in Isaiah concerning Messiah. 

Set Your face (Vicky Adkins)

A timely and encouraging message from a good sister in Christ.

Worth a listen and to take before the Lord. 


New Heaven and New Earth

What is our Hope? Looking here at the hope of the Prophets and Apostles, and what the Scripture teaches about the coming of a "new heaven and new earth" in which righteousness, peace and joy will reign. 

How to face the Last days without fear (Derek Prince)

A solid word that is fitting for our time. 

God's greatest concern is for the perfection of the Church. 

Purpose of Grace (Robert B. Thompson)

A solid teaching on the True Purpose of the Grace of God.
Presented by Dr. Thompson who lead Mt. Zion Fellowship for 42 years. 

And if I don't? (David Wagner)

David raises an important question here. 
The commands in the New Testament... are we supposed to obey them? If so, why? And what happens if we shrug our shoulders and decide not to obey them? Are there any eternal ramifications?

EXAMPLES: 1Cor 10 Study (part 1)

We do well to learn of the experiences of Israel in the Old Testament, as they are examples for us, to teach us as well as warn us. 
Putting to video our in-depth Bible Study on 1Corinthians 10. 

Addressing Current Theology (part 2)

Continuing our look into modern, popular doctrine in the Light of the Scripture.
May the Spirit guide us into all Truth. 

Addressing Current Theology (part 1)

Beginning a hard look here comparing modern popular theology to the written Word of God.
Meant to encourage and bring Light. 

Repentance: A Change of Mind or Behavior?

Another venture into Repentance; tackling here a common popular understanding of what it means to repent, and contrasting it with what the Scripture declares. 

Speaking God's Language (Vicky Adkins)

Vicky shares here about learning how to speak to God, and as a result, learning how to hear Him speak to us.

A Glimpse of Eternity

Sharing a little from the road on my vision of Eternity. 


Love, Joy & Peace (Robert Thompson)

From a series of sermons on the topic of Death and Resurrection.
Dr. Thompson here speaking on the Scriptural Goal of God for Creation.

The Gospel of the Kingdom of God

Continuing our look into the Gospel that Jesus and the Apostle taught, the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. 
A bit different from what is currently taught from many pulpits perhaps. Let us have discernment as we seek the mind of the Lord. 

The True God & True Gospel (David Pawson)

Solid, Scriptural message by brother Pawson here, who passed from this life on May 21st 2020.


The Tabernacle (David Wagner)

Looking at the Tabernacle and it's furnishings, David gives us here much to "think on." May we have ears to hear what the Spirit is speaking to the Church today. 

On Resurrection (Romans 6)

"For if we have been united together in the likeness of His death, certainly we also shall be in the likeness of His resurrection." (Rom 6:5)

Do we know that we are forming our own resurrection now, by our behavior?

What You Take With You (Dr. Robert B. Thompson)

The only way you can come to know Jesus is via death and resurrection. The power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings.

From the series "Death & Resurrection"  recorded in 1989 @ Mt. Zion Fellowship

Correction & Direction OR Distraction & Destruction (Vicky Adkins)

Remember what is important! There's more than enough distraction in the world today. This is a message I heard from the LORD about what He wants us to see, know and do about it in our own lives. Blessings! (Vicky, 4/20/20)

Thoughts Concerning the Virus (3/22/20)

The internet seems flooded lately with preachers, pastors and prophets offering insights regarding the current situation in our nation and across the globe.
I felt impressed to share some thoughts and passages of Scripture that have come to mind the past couple days.

A MESSAGE FROM THE LORD 4 7 2020 (Vicky Adkins)

This message greatly confirmed much of what the Lord has been revealing to me in this time in which we are living. May it bless you and encourage you to press in to know the Lord in a greater way. 

Touching On Righteousness

Shedding light on a commonly misunderstood verse from Isaiah 64:6. Most definitely this will be different than you have heard concerning "our righteousness." Nevertheless, may this cause you to spend time in the Word and seek the Truth for yourself. 


The concern of some over loved ones who are living according to the flesh, but at one time had "accepted Christ", is what brought about this video, as I believe the Lord showed me why some so adamantly cling to modern popular theologies in the churches that are foreign to Scripture.

Ramblings On the Kingdom: Did God Change His Mind? 2

Have the requirements of God changed from the Old Testament to the New?
Sharing a little more on my stance concerning the conditions of God's promises to those who would "come after" His Son Jesus and inherit the nations.

Ramblings From the Road: Did God Change His Mind?

Exploring the requirements of God for His saints. Are His conditions laid forth in the Old Testament the same for us today, or has God changed His mind?
Let's delve a little into the Scriptures and see what God's Word has to say.

What Is Worship? (David Wagner)

David here takes a look at what "Worship" is, according to the Scripture.
May we ponder indeed "these things" the brother presents and seek the Lord to know truly who He desires we worship Him.

Ramblings on the Kingdom: Obedience

Does God expect us to obey His commands? Did Jesus have to come because we couldn’t keep them?
Looking at these questions here, and delving into the Scripture to see what His Word declares. Join me if you will.

Overcoming (David Wagner)

Oh, the promises to "him who overcomes"!
The question is... what if we don't "overcome"?
From a good brother here, sharing from Revelation 2 & 3, looking at the passages that first cause me to think and inspired me to begin this website. 
May this video truly cause you to "think on these things."

The Gospel Series (What about the earth?)

What does our modern "Gospel" do with the Earth? If the spiritual "Heaven" is our eternal home, then have the words of the Psalmist and Jesus, Himself, become null and void? "Blessed are the meek, For they shall inherit the earth." - Matt 5:5

What Is The GOSPEL? (Defining Terms)

Looking here at a few terms that are oft-used in Christendom, yet with understanding widely debated.
Specifically I touch on my Scriptural understanding of the terms Repent, Kingdom, Righteousness, and what is the Goal of our faith.

What Is The GOSPEL?

What IS the Gospel, that Jesus, the Apostles and Prophets taught.
What is this "Gospel of the Kingdom" that Jesus told us to "repent and believe in"?
Beginning a study here looking at the "Gospel. "

What Salvation is (Robert B Thompson)

Perhaps a bit different than many have heard, but solidly based upon the Scripture. 
Dr. Thompson faithfully served the Lord as Pastor at Mt. Zion Fellowship for 42 years. 

Will You Finish Well? (Richard Owen Roberts)

"It really doesn't matter, very much, how you start, in comparison to how you finish" (Roberts)
Are we running our race well? Our Eternal destiny depends on it. 

Repentance (part 5) On Psalm 34 and Jeremiah 23

Touching again on Repentance, Biblical Repentance, a vital aspect of our salvation and destiny that is seldom taught or understood in Christendom at large today.


Ramblings on the Kingdom (SAINTS & JUDGES)

"To execute on them (the nations) the written judgment— This honor have all His saints. Praise the Lord!"
- Psalm 149:9

Looking at little at Saints & Judges here, and God's destiny for His faithful Elect. 

On Psalm 132

What I shared here has caused quite a stir and drawn some heat, as we look at topics not taught from many pulpits these days, yet are found throughout the Scripture.
Please, any questions, comments or rebukes are welcomed. We are all on the Journey together. 


What is our goal as a Christian?
Is it Heaven? The Kingdom of God? 

Or something else...


Bible Study (Currently looking at 1Cor 10)

In depth studies, verse by verse, of Scripture. 
After a 17-part series on Romans 8, we are looking now at Our Journey from the perspective in 1Corinthians 10. 



"They will walk with Me in white, for they are worthy." - Rev 3:4

Do we know that the promises of God are to those who prove themselves worthy?

the gods behind abortion

Looking at a hard, and very controversial subject here; from a Biblical, spiritual perspective.


Parables (Two Sons)

Is it our words or our actions that will determine our Eternal destination? What proves we are in the will of God, saying what He wants to hear, or doing what He has commanded us?
Continuing our study of Jesus parables. May we have "ears to hear." 

A Disciple's Hope

My personal hope I have found in God's Word, and in following the Lord Jesus. 

These are the things that drive me and cause me to press in to know Him. 

Click on the Title above to open the essay. 


Parables (Sheep & Goats)

The sheep & goats of the nations, standing before the Throne at the Second Resurrection. The First Resurrection overcoming saints are seated with Christ on the Throne. Where will we be in that Day?


"Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have found your deeds unfinished in the sight of My God. Remember, therefor, what you have received and heard; hold it fast, and repent." -Rev 3:2-3
This Word is for us today in the churches. May we have "ears to hear what the Spirit is saying."


“We look for light, but there is darkness!
For brightness, but we walk in blackness!”

- Isaiah 59:9

Where is the Light?

Every day I hear of family and friends that have great needs. Physical, financial, emotional and spiritual needs. Relationships that have gone wrong. Cancer appearing in the bodies of those who lived healthy lives. Strife caused by those who choose to be “offended.”
Every day the news is full of accounts of domestic violence, animal abuse, and injustice.
So many are hurting. Many are becoming disillusioned. People don't know where to turn for answers.

Lord, when will the trouble cease...?


Continuing our study on Repentance as was taught by Jesus & His Apostles.
To be continued...

God's wisdom and understanding to us all,


To minister Life to God's creation.

Do you sense that call of God upon your life?

If so, our journey begins with Repentance.


Taking a look at a topic I believe is far too neglected and/or misunderstood in our assemblies today.

Hold Fast

An Exhortation


Sweetwater Still Publishing

A site I highly recommend. This is a publishing company of friends of mine who truly follow the Lord with all their heart, soul, mind and strength. 
Mike Ellicott & his wife Cheryl have together written an amazing, Biblically sound book called "His Power: Living in Step with the Holy Spirit." 
In it Mike shares how the Truth that the Spirit came to lead us into truly changed his life and strengthened his walk with Jesus.

As well, there is a Women's Bible Study available on Living in Step with the Holy Spirit.

I was blessed to receive advance copies of the book, which will be available on Amazon and in select Book Stores Sept. 8th.
Hoping to begin a Bible Study soon, using material in the book as a guideline, and delve into the purpose and necessity of the Spirit in the life of the Christian.





A New Creation (part 1)

"He (Jesus) is the divine portrait, the true likeness of the invisible God, and the first-born heir of all creation."
- Col 1:15 TPT

And this One will have brothers made in His image, truly a New Creation. 


Compromise: A concession to something detrimental or pejorative (Tending to make or become worse) - American Heritage Dictionary

Looking at perhaps one of the greatest battles in our Christian walk - compromising with the things of the world.