

and I will be his God and he shall be My son

Root Sins (Richard Owen Roberts)

Brother Roberts explains "root sins" and why dealing with them is essential to have victory over their "fruits".


Enlarging your tent (Fred Tomlinson)

A vital message for the Church today. 

And humbling as well. 

May we have ears to hear. 

the purpose of his coming (Robert Thompson)

Pastor Thompson on sounding the alarm on the churches as we draw nearer to the coming of Christ. 

Beware False Preachers (Anton Bosch)

A heard Word perhaps for many to hear. Even I must take it to heart. For truly, as the Apostle wrote, "let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment." (James 3:1)

The purpose of the church (Art Katz)

A solid message the church needs to hear and heed in our day.


preparing for suffering (David Pawson)

God is preparing His Elect even now. And, as Christ Jesus was, we shall be perfected through suffering. 
Will we be ready to endure and remain faithful?


That I Might Know Him (Fred Tomlinson)

An excellent message. May it encourage us to press in to know Jesus in a deeper Way,


Important Message for end-time church part 2 (anton Bosch)

May we receive this word, examine ourselves, and seek the Lord to see what He would reveal to us concerning our walk with Jesus. 

Important Message for end-time church (anton Bosch)

May we have ears to hear what the brother speaks here.
For I truly believe it is what the Spirit is saying to the churches today. 

Gospel of accommodation (David Wilkerson)

We may come to the Cross, but do we know we must die with Christ on the Cross if we are to be found on that Narrow Way that leads to Life. 
A prophetic word from Pastor David here that is coming to pass in our day

What did Jesus preach on Repentance (Derek Prince)

A Word that, sadly, is seldom heard in the churches today. We've traded in much of what Jesus & the Apostles taught for another "gospel" that makes little, if any, demands upon those in the congregations. 

All shall stand before the judgment seat of Christ (Leonard Ravenhill)

"For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad." - 2Cor 5:10
Can we receive this Truth, that is oft avoided in the assemblies today?

Scientific Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ

Interesting indeed!